UofT L'IMAGE Project
Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment
Welcome to the website of the L'IMAGE Project! Hover over each image to read a brief description of the story. Click on the image to read the story in comics form.
The page of each comic comes with Alt-Text and a long description at the bottom of the page. A text-only website table of contents (with links) can be accessed using the following link as well: Go to Table of Contents.
Are you multilingual? Are you interested in getting your story turned into a comic too? Sign up using the form below to get notified about the next cycle of the L'IMAGE Project! You can follow the project on Instagram at @linguistait as well.

About the UofT L'IMAGE Project
This is the website for the inaugural cycle of the UofT Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment (L'IMAGE) Project. L'IMAGE (pronounced the French way!) is a public linguistics communication project with two major objectives: 1. To educate the university community about linguistic diversity in order to increase community members' intercultural competence, and 2. To learn about real students' lived linguistic experiences to inform linguistics educators' teaching practices and universities' EDID practices. In this cycle, I interviewed 13 amazing multilingual students at UofT, and turned stories about their multilingualism into digital comics. Each story is accompanied by a "5-Minute Linguistics" infographic that has educational content about the language(s) spoken by the student. These comics and infographics are being used globally as teaching and public outreach materials in linguistics and beyond.
The UofT L'IMAGE Project (2022-2023) had the generous support of:
University of Toronto International Student Experience Fund (Seed Grant)
University of Toronto Mississauga Department of Language Studies
University of Toronto Mississauga International Education Centre